When we start out in internet marketing we all crave a quick start into internet marketing that requires very little effort yet reaps the rewards. If you think that you are alone with your thoughts the truth is you are not as this will no doubt apply to at least 90% of us.
We like the idea of having a business on a plate that will provide us with little effort and the opportunity to enjoy our spare time without being glued to our desktop. Don't get me wrong this does happen in time but most businesses need to be worked at until we have the right formula to make them a huge success.
This is why so many people jump on the internet marketing bandwagon and quickly fall straight back off soon after. They have this great need to be involved in lots of different projects at the same time. They are simply trying to crack the internet marketing jigsaw puzzle way too soon into their venture and instead should just be concentrating on one or two pieces of the puzzle.
The best part of internet marketing is that it fits in with our own personality and just because something works well for one person doesn't mean it should for another. For Example I have never been ashamed to admit that I am not interested in Adwords or Adsense and that it bores me to pieces. However my real passion is Viral Marketing because it fits my mould perfectly and gives me the chance to showcase my true talents. If English is your second language though your not really going to be wanting to write lots of things instead you may prefer to build up your passion of niche marketing.
Just take a moment step back from the internet marketing jigsaw and decide exactly which piece completes your puzzle and the rest of the jigsaw will soon fit into place.